Friday, January 29, 2010

Turning night into day

A bit like the tech boom of the 90s the boom in technology advancement with digital cameras over the last 5 or so years just keeps getting better. The race for more megapixels in cameras is now being refined to better performance under all conditions.

To keep pace with these advancements and offer our clients a complete range of digital options we have just purchased Nikons latest professional end camera the D3S, this will be the Nikon flagship at the Winter Olympics.

It has a multitude of features that will bore everyone to tears but its strongest and unique feature is its ability to work at very low light levels with exceptional results.

Showing examples of this on the net is a bit subjective as it has always been possible to take photographs in low light, camera on tripod, everyone stand still for 2 seconds and the picture looks great.

The only way I could think to demonstrate the low light performance of this camera
was by taking this picture. It is taken at 7.30 p.m. the people are power walking down the street and I am walking at the same pace behind them shooting hand held, For the tech heads the shutter speed was 1/60 of second ISO 12800

This picture was also hand held 8.00pm the background is the moon glistening on the ocean.This now compliments our existing medium format and DSLR digital cameras to offer performance at every level.

It also shoots Hi definition Video as well, more on that next news letter.

We also purchased the latest in wide angle lens technology, the proof is in the pudding with this shot taken for Riviera Marine of their 5800 sports yacht. This is an extreme wide angle yet there is none of the fisheye distortion that you would normally expect.


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